Baby Acne Treatment

baby acne treatment

How To Identify Acne:
Baby acne is a harmless skin condition seen on infants from birth to 7 months old. A mother's hormones begin functioning in a baby's body and causes the oil glands to clog and the acne to appear. Boys are more susceptible to baby acne than girls.
Baby Acne is usually caused by hormones which the mother passes to the baby while in the womb. These hormones produce oil producing glands in the baby skin resulting in red pimples and whiteheads. These pimples called milia tend to show up on the baby’s cheeks, forehead or nose.

Types of Acne:
There are two types of Baby acne Neonatal or Infantile. If it is neonatal it will usually show up in the first few weeks after birth. Neonatal can clear up within a few days to a couple of weeks. Infantile will show up between 3 to 6 months of age. Infantile acne can continue to reappear for a couple of months are even years.

Baby Acne Treatment:

Because baby skins is delicate you should avoid scrubbing and using exfoliating cleanser. Since infant acne appears because of clogged oil glands from hormonal changes in your baby's body, it's important to keep the skin clean and dry during an outbreak.

You should cleanse the area with a washcloth and a mild baby cleanser, usually one without the fragrance. Dry your baby's face whenever he or she spits up or drools during a feeding. Prolonged moisture around the mouth can worsen or increase chin acneThe doctor may prescribe a topical antibiotic ointment.

Treat baby acne different from adolescent or adult acne. If your newborn does have acne,

Do not pop, pinch, or pick at pimples.
Do not use strong topical solutions such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Do not use astringents.
Skip lotion or creams that could cause pore clogs

Try using baby powder. Some mothers with newborns who have developed baby acne find that wiping baby powder gently across the problem areas clears up the acne . If you do this, use a cotton ball to apply the powder, and make sure not to get the power in the baby's eyes, mouth, or ears.

If you're breastfeeding, you should consider changing your diet. Many women who eat lots of fruits report seeing an uptick in baby acne after they breastfeed. Sometimes, the outbreak is not acne at all, but rather a rash. Some mothers report that sweet or citrus fruits, such as nectarines and oranges, may cause skin problems in newborns . Seek the advice of a doctor if you believe that breastfeeding might be giving your baby a rash or baby acne.

Never treat baby acne with over-the-counter acne creams meant for teens and adults. A baby's skin is thin and sensitive, and the harsh chemicals used in typical acne treatments can irritate or even burn your baby's skin. Avoid popping or picking at your baby's acne. Breaking or opening the pimples can cause an infection and even scarring if you dig too deep. While the acne may look unattractive, it is not harming your baby.

Pay attention to your baby's reaction to certain soaps and detergents. If you find that your baby breaks out after putting on a freshly laundered outfit, you may need to use a natural washing detergent until the acne clears. Speak with your doctor if you are unsure about whether your baby has infant acne. Some babies experience eczema, which also gives the skin a red, blotchy appearance, but is itchy and needs medical attention.


  1. Thank you very much for the valuable information
      I have researched a lot about the Baby acne
    At this site got a very excellent information

  2. acne or just a little pimple can spoil the charming smile of your little child and the bad thing there is nothing much you can do about baby acne. you cannot use any unnatural products becasue skin of babies are so sensitive. my little cute nephew also got baby acne few months ago and at that period of time no one knew the soultion. i searched alot about baby acne and its tretament and fortunately i have found some baby acne treatment . people may suggest many things to do but i do understand that babies's skin are soft and cannot tolerate the adverese effects casued by harmful acne products. if your baby also have acne problem and if you are searching some effective treatament , i prefer you to visit this site. best acne treatment .


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