Baby-Proofing Your Home

baby proof your home


Danger is present throughout the home. Although you can baby-proof anytime before are after your baby is born you should certainly try to do it before the baby starts to crawl. As soon as baby starts to crawl in search of new adventure, they will invent new ways of getting themselves in trouble. You need to eliminate anything in the home that poses a threat to your baby's health and safety. Baby-proofing will create a safe environment for your baby. You will not need to worry about what your baby is getting into because you will know that they are safe. Because you have baby-proofed your home if your child gets hurt you know that they would not have suffered any serious injuries. The best way to baby-proof a home is to think about the areas in the home that the baby will go and try to go in those areas and eliminate the threats that are there. 

Electrical Outlets: They pose a significant amount of danger because they are located at about the same height of a baby crawling level eyes. the best way to protect baby from shocking themselves is to cover these outlets with a plastic outlet cover if it is not being used.
Electric Cords: Electric cords can be dangerous. your baby can drag on a cord and pull a lamp or an iron down. all electrical cords should be concealed behind furniture or under carpets when in use.
Heat Sources: can sometimes get very hot and posing a serious risk of burning.
Space Heater: This is the most dangerous source of heat. If you must have a portable space heater avoid the ones with the electric bars or coils. these will attract your baby with their glowing reddish-orange color.
Radiators: Pose a danger. In the winter when turned on they can become scorching hot. you need covers or guards to keep your baby hands away from it.
Fireplace: Make sure that the fire screen fits securely in place, and matches are high out of reach of children.
Wastebaskets: Remove waste baskets from ground and place up high and out of reach of the child.

  1. Move objects on shelves out of child's reach. 
  2. Attach childproof latches to drawers you do not want your child to get into. 
  3. Install safety gates at top and at bottom of stairs. 
  4. Put on stove knob covers and other oven safety devices. Use the back burners when cooking on the stove. 
  5. Put breakable dishes out of reach or lock them up. 
  6. Install a toilet guard so that the child can not lift the lid. 
  7. Insert plugs in all electrical outlets. 
  8. Attach corner cushions to sharp edges tables furniture and brick fireplaces. 
  9. Make sure all medicine, cleaning products, garden fertilizer, and pesticide are locked up and out of reach.

Childproof products are available at hardware stores, Grocery stores, and specialty children's stores, and many other places. The more that you baby-proof the more free space that your child will have to be able to roam throughout the home. if you can not make a room safe for your child try to close off that room from the child. Baby-proofing is a never ending battle to try to keep on top of things by watching your baby and see the things that they get themselves into that can possibly pose a threat.

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